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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Email Marketing - Timing/frequency

Marketers in a hurry to get more response and clicks, send a single message to the entire list. The result is very low response rate. One message can never fit in to your entire list. If you are targeting B2B market, segment it based on company revenue, size, number of employees, etc. For B2C market, segment it based on budget, age, sex, interest, etc. Now modify and customize your email message based on each segment and send. You are sure to get good response.

Simply aping what worked well for big companies can never work for their smaller counterparts.  It's always good to find when your email recipient is going to reply to your emails. Finding your target audience and preparing a content impressing them very much solves your timing puzzle.
Your role however doesn't end after figuring out the most suitable time for your audience. Your work actually starts from here. Preparing a strategy to send relevant content is the only way you can nurture them and engage them for long, till they agrees to buy.
An important perspective is that allowing your prospect to decide the most suitable time to contact them. In your Contact Us page add a tab asking ‘the right time to contact you’, this way you are giving them the choice hence they might get impressed. Their timings however might not be a very profitable one for your business but it’s better than annoying them with untimely message and force them to hit unsubscribe…


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