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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Success in Business is Associated with Motivation

You must be wondering why I am harping so much on Motivation here. The answer is simple:

You need motivation to achieve success in business. Granted that technical skills and knowledge play an important role. However, without proper motivation you will not be able to strive ahead.

As an employer, team leader or team manager, if you want to get the maximum from your employees or team, you need to ignite the right kind of motivation.

Positive Reinforcement

Let your employees know that their efforts will always be recognized and will be treated as true accomplishments in the company. A token gift, a certificate, a scribble of encouragement in the whiteboard or even sticking a post-it on their cubicle wall will work wonders.

Make sure to reward the entire group once a project has successfully commenced. Take them out to team lunch or give them small tokens like gift coupons.

Happy Employees

Always try to determine whether your team members are happy with their job or not. The performance of an unhappy or dissatisfied employee will never be up to the mark. Create a positive energy among your employees. This will come once they are truly happy and well encouraged in their work.

Check it out at: "Killer Leadership Ideas to Motivate Your Slacking Team" at: http://ebookarcade.blogspot.com/2010/09/effective-email-marketing-strategies-to.html


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