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Monday, December 12, 2011

Consistency of Brand Awareness

Initially, there is an impression created by your brand, which is very important. In regard with this you can create future impressions of your brand at market place. Remember the importance of consistency in the process of brand awareness. During brand awareness do not harm the image/impression of your brand, which will cost a heavy amount.

Ø  Message: The message of the brand should be consistent and also not deviating. From the very first of your brand launch, the audience understands your brand’s message. So do not deviate from the message you give to the audience always. Stick to your brand’s message, it is different that you present your message in distinct manner.

Ø  Image:  Like message, even your brand image should be consistent. To maximize your recognition and positive impression, it is important to maintain consistency of your brand image. How far your brand is promoted, maintain same image everywhere.

Ø Slogans & Taglines: Consistency is high priority here as well. Promote your brand in highly organized and recognizable manner. Your slogans should covey message in consistent mode. The tagline of brand should talk about the brand’s features.

 Consistency cannot be emphasized enough. It presents an impression on consumers mind to continue their association with the brand.


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