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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Leadership: Do’s and Don’ts to become a Successful Leader

Remember the clichéd phrase “Take respect and give respect”?

To become a successful leader you have to follow these words. The most sad thinking of a leader is expecting employees to follow them because they have “so called” title. It is very wrong to expect employees to follow you always. A title is of no use if you are not respected by your employees.

 To know how successful you are as a leader should know what people think about you. Respect cannot be gained through a title rather it should be earned. It is very important to have right communication between you and those whom you lead. A leader can never ignore their employees, if a leader does then be prepared for a professional disaster waiting for you.

Be open to your employees’ suggestion, after all you are human being, you are not omnipotent to know everything what your employees want from you. Evaluate yourself, are you spending time with your employees managing their issues or letting them manage on their own? Are you spending “quality” time with your employees (remember “quality time” means can be for 2 minutes to 2 hours which is very useful)?

You as a leader should be able make difference between dangerous risks and overly cautious. Falling in one stream is not a good form of leadership attitude. You should be a problem solver for your employees and not a problem creator.

An employee mostly relies on their leaders for moral support and mutual understanding in their difficult times. A leader is a backbone of employees during their grim situation. Never under-estimate your employees as they can make and break your business anytime!


smithendy@gmail.com said...

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